Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, for such is the
Our passion in this ministry is to impart the word of God in a fun, loving, inviting, and exciting way to reach and change the lives of children. Each week a new lesson is presented and demonstrated through characters that children can relate to and remember. We feel that by building relationships with each and every child we can impact them to experience God’s love, develop a personal relationship with Jesus, trust God’s Word, and understand their value in Christ.

Our Carter Street Kids meet for children's church during our Sunday morning worship services at 11 AM. They are able to play with one another, attend puppet shows, sing praises, and learn biblical truths. Tons of activities and prizes keep kids engaged and attentive, which leads them to be ready to receive God's Word when it is presented. They are able to learn about Christ in a way that's tailored just for them!